Cat Stories

Mischievous Cat Loves To Get Into Everything As His Owner Lectures Him To Stop

This cat loves to get into things and drive his owner crazy. The cat’s name is Shrimp, and you can constantly hear the owner telling the cat to get down or stop doing something. From getting into the cabinets where the fragile dinnerware is kept to chewing on power cords, Shrimp is certainly a handful. […]

This cat loves to get into things and drive his owner crazy. The cat’s name is Shrimp, and you can constantly hear the owner telling the cat to get down or stop doing something. From getting into the cabinets where the fragile dinnerware is kept to chewing on power cords, Shrimp is certainly a handful.

And yet, it doesn’t make the owner love his cat any less. He seems to embrace just how mischievous cat and his antics. Despite all that crazy behavior, it’s clear that the cat loves his owner and that the owner reciprocates that love.

Watch the video to see all the trouble this cat is able to get into.

Somehow, it still makes this cat loveable.